Are you here because you want to know or learn about the NPC recruitment? If YES, then you are at the right source, we all know that the National Population Commission (NPC) is a government agency responsible for conducting population censuses in Nigeria to ensure policymaking, resource allocation, and overall national development.
Guess what? the NPC has opens it portal again to recruit new ad-hoc staff for the 2024 census, I understand that you may be wondering about what the National Population Commission recruitment is all about, Now let me explain:
The NPC recruitment is the process of hiring staff for the National Population Commission (NPC) of Nigeria for conducting population censuses and other demographic surveys which in turn influences the government decisions in areas like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.
What Are The Requirements For NPC Recruitment?
The requirements for NPC recruitment can vary depending on the position you are applying for. However, there are some general requirements that all applicants must meet, which are:
- Being a Nigerian citizen.
- Being at least 18 years old.
- Having a National Identification Number (NIN).
- Having an active commercial bank account.
- Possessing the required educational qualifications.
- Having an active phone number with an email address.
- Having basic knowledge on the use of computers & smartphones.
How To Apply For NPC Recruitment On NPC Portal?
Below are the step by step guides to apply for NPC recruitment:
- Visit the NPC recruitment portal via:
- Hit on the Start Application button and then select Start as ad-hoc staff.
NPC Recruitment Portal - Check on each box to acknowledge instructions, and then click the proceed button.
NPC Recruitment Portal - Accept the terms and conditions by checking the box and then proceed.
NPC Recruitment Portal - Input your national identification number (NIN) in the required column and click on verify.
NPC Recruitment Portal - When you provide a valid NIN, you will receive a notification confirming successful verification (We recommend that you save your Application ID for reference) Click the ‘Ok’ button to proceed to the next step.
NPC Recruitment Portal - Finish your application on the National Population Commission portal by entering your personal information.
What Are The Available NPC Recruitment Jobs Categories?
Below are the available job categories in NPC:
- Facilitators
- Field Coordinators
- Training Centre Administrators
- Monitoring & Evaluation Officers
- Data Quality Managers
- Data Quality Assistants
- Supervisors
- Enumerators
- Special Workforce
NPC Recruitment Screening Procedure
Below is the full screening procedure for the National Population Commission recruitment.
- The recruitment review team will assess and evaluate applicants based on their National Identification Number (NIN), educational documents (School Certificates), and passport photos.
- The initial screening will take place on the portal, where applicants will be filtered based on the specified requirements.
- Physical screening would be conducted at the LGA’s designated centers.
- The LRRT is composed of:
- LGA Comptroller Chairman
- One NPC Desk Officer Secretary
- Designated LGA Staff
Prospective Ad-hoc staff should apply on the census portal for areas where they are residents, and they will be deployed accordingly.
In conclusion, The specific application process and requirements may vary depending on the position and the NPC’s current policies, so we strongly advise you to check NPC official website for the most current requirements and you also need to understand that the National Population Commission’s recruitment is not just a job opportunity, but a chance to contribute to the betterment of Nigeria.
I hope this article has been helpful? If you have any further questions related to this topic, please do not hesitate to ask on the comment section below.